Heya! I didn’t had much sex in my life because I’m a shy, lonely and introverted person. I’m in my low 30s now and wanna start trying to have that soon, because I feel that I can die in any day of the next few years with bigger and bigger chances every day.
So what do I need to do to get some casual sex with no relationships? I hate dating, going out, being in relationships in general, I don’t have needs for that. I only crave sex. and feel desperate enough to find braveness for that.
I pretty much don’t know anyone in my city, but it’s population should be around 1 mil, so it’s probably possible to find someone. But I live in Eastern Europe so majority of girls probably won’t be into such things.
So what do I do?

  1. > I hate dating, going out, being in relationships in general,

    Those are big parts of sex. Sex isn’t just putting your dick someplace, it’s a conversation two people have with their bodies, a constant escalation of flirting, teasing, and building and reinforcing intimacy, trust and desire. Dating is a big part of that. Most people use dating, even casually, to feel out potential hookups for sexual energy, compatibility and chemistry and to see if there is mutual desire.

    If you are attractive, you may get some hits for “No strings attached sex,” with an online profile, but that still requires a bit of extroversion/communication and flirting so peeps know you aren’t trying to catfish them/are a closet crazy person.

    The only other option for what you are looking for would be prostitution, which may or may not be legal where you are at and comes with a whole potential mess of moral implications.

    Have you considered working on the introversion and loneliness through things like medication and treatment for social anxiety and engaging in more group activities?

  2. Majority of girls aren’t into that in Eastern Europe? That’s not what porn hub tells us!!!
    But for real, do you live in Ukraine? Because you made a pretty ominous statement about dying any day in the next few years…

  3. Download what ever popular dating app is in your area and in your bio put,

    “Not looking for anything serious.”

    But some other details about yourself and then in conversation with them tell them your mostly looking to hookup.

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