I’m coming onto 27 and the dating world hasn’t been the best for me . I’m a shy guy , I’ve been working on it and come along ways but I can be pretty shy towards new people . As of lately my dates haven’t been working out, I can be talkative but my nerves do get the best of me during these and I think women are picking up on it.

  1. Same boat man. I’m trying to be more open to flirting and physical contact with a new person but it’s been difficult.

  2. I can’t say it will get better anytime soon for you. If your date can’t see the value in your vulnerability, there will be someone that does. Be thankful for the process and keep trying. Everyone’s working on something and you should be proud that you’re working on yourself. That should mean a lot to you and someday it will mean a lot to someone else. Confidence and self love are a skill and you get better with each experience. My shyness allows me to listen better and reflect more on my conversations. With that I’ve learned how to make better connections. I’m still quiet and if someone can’t see the value in that, that has nothing to do with me. Anyways keep your head up you’re doing great.

  3. In the same boat. It’s hard to follow my own advice but from me to you please keep at it. If need be take a more proactive approach and note down what went well and didn’t and treat this like a skill, because ultimately it is. Like any skill, initially you will be rather terrible at it, but with perseverance and dedication, you’ll become significantly better. You only have to look at any other skill you’ve learned to realise it’s possible.

    You need to believe this at the core of your being as an irrefutable fact and know if you stick to it, things **will** work out. The brain is a fascinating thing and what once feels totally unnatural becomes very natural in a rather short period of time.

    Best of luck mate.

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