I think I might have fucked up big time.

Last night I was at this party, not many people I was very close too, but there was this one girl. It was late on and we were both hammered and decided to head around the corner for a smoke. A bit of context we had a massive falling out a couple of years ago now and our relationship had been very on and off since.

Anyways we finished our cigarette and whatever cheap alcohol we were drinking and were lying down on the lawn together when she put my arm around her and on her tits. Needless to say I didn’t need much more encouragement as I’d had a major crush on her for years now. We didn’t do anything major, just some hand stuff. I kept asking if she was ok and she said to keep going.

Fast forward to 5am last night and we start texting. She wants it left in the past, saying it was a “stupid drunken mistake”and that she felt “uncomfortable and ashamed”

idk if she really feels like this however as she made the first move and we’ve historically shared a lot together. I’m not sure if she likes me though. I just feel like I could have done more to make her feel safe and content. I asked for consent with everything thing I did and made sire she got got home safe and on the night she said “another time yea?” I just don’t know what to do. I have been struggling mentally for years and she is the only one who makes me feel good about myself.


  1. Is she in a relationship or talking to someone? Sounds like her way of Bowing out. Take the W. She’s not ready to commit and you deserve clear feelings friend.

  2. You didn’t do anything wrong, she just changed her mind afterwards and called it a drunken mistake. She’s clearly not interested in anything more.

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