I’m just curious. I’ve read in another sub that only a woman’s “Hi, you’re cute” is enough to get a guy’s attention, but does the same thing happens considering that you don’t think the girl is attractive, hot, pretty, etc?

  1. I’ll typically just hit them with a “haha thank you” and not reciprocating the compliment is typically enough of a hint for them to get that I’m not interested

  2. I’d strike up a conversation at least. How ‘not pretty’ are we talking? Unless she looks like a guy I’m going to talk with her.

  3. Before I was married, just say thank you and keep walking. Now that I’m married, that’d be my response whether she’s attractive or not.

  4. I don’t have any problems with that really, what turns me off is if she’s not comfortable in her own skin.

  5. what would i do if a unattractive girl hit on me. probably hit her back. these hands are rated E for everybody.

  6. I dont care how clever an approach is if she’s not physically attractive it falls flat for me. However I’m not gonna be a dick about it.

    I just have a very platonic conversation with her because I know how difficult it can be to approach and I dont want to discourage her the next time she tries it with another guy.

  7. It depends how unattractive. If I would usually date a 6, but a 4 asks me out, or a 3 who could become a 4+ (i.e. a bit overweight, but we could work out together), I would say yes. However, if she was too unattractive or checked another dealbreaker, I would still try to show that I was grateful, even if I said no

  8. I try to politely decline. I’ll do my best not to be rude but I just won’t engage and avoid looking like I’m interested.

  9. Have a friendly conversation to hear if she’s doing alright, but keep it short to make clear I am not looking to take it further.

    Or if she’s already a friend who just now reveals her feelings, I kinda start breaking contact with her the coming weeks because I don’t want that to linger on, would just be hurtful to both of us.

  10. Most women are never up front so you just have to say respectful. If they do try to be pushy I just politely decline.

    Women who approach men are rarely if ever hot compared to the ones I prefer to approach. Hot women don’t have to approach, and all women want the guy to make the first move.

  11. A growing portion of men is terminal single and would take anyone that wants them.

    The more likely form of reaction would be, that they think you are making fun of them because no woman would ever approach them.

  12. Slowly drift away whilst being polite.

    Had this at a bar couple weeks ago. She started getting all flirty with me and I started slowly drifting away as I didn’t want to come off as nasty but I didn’t want to lead her on either

    I got talking to this woman with similar interests and she randomly said “I think I love you already” which made me just smile and drift away awkwardly. The whole night she kept saying hi to me everytime I walked past her which I said hi back as to be polite but still didn’t engage in conversation and stuck with my best friend who I was with instead. Ended up getting drunk that night and telling my best friend how much I loved him as a friend. I had fun with him to not even bother thinking about hooking up with a woman

  13. I’m in an open marriage, but they don’t need to know that. I can just say “thanks, I think you’re quite cute yourself but I’m happily married”

  14. Do the same thing girls do. Say very little until it’s too awkward and difficult for the other person to try keep a conversation going by themselves so they walk away.

  15. It’s unlikely that anyone hitting on me will be registered as such. There’s a few too many decades of self-revulsion clouding my vision.

  16. Now that I’m older I’d be gracious, polite and entertain her with genuine conversation knowing one day, when I’m old, I’ll reminisce about the few times in my life when I was actually hit on by a woman and how good it felt to be young and desirable.

  17. It depends on what she wants and how clearly she communicates that.
    It also depends on where, for instance at work or in private.

    Most likely, I say that I don’t have any room in my life to be what she wants me to be. There’s no point in pointing out that she is unattractive.

    If that’s not believable, I will flat out say that I don’t feel that kind of connection with her. Again, no point in saying why she is unattractive to me.

    If it’s at work, I will simply say that it’s inappropriate.

  18. Men need to give those women the same exact crap women tell men when they try to approach women.

    “Get lost”, “Leave me alone”, “Go away”, “Creep”, or even just give them a disgust face.

    Gotta have women get a taste of that brutal rejection men face every day

  19. Being an extremely unattractive teenager I became a tween considered handsome and had to learn how to do that. First times I got exremely stressed and behaved bad, but learned how to say no gracefully. I do, now longtime married still remember and cherish all girls that hit on me. What a boost to one’s confidence!

  20. *”A girl you don’t think is attractive or pretty try to hit in you, what do you do?”*

    Talk to her for a bit and decide if I’m interested.

    *”I’m just curious. I’ve read in another sub that only a woman’s “Hi, you’re cute” is enough to get a guy’s attention,”*

    Why wouldn’t it?

    Women RARELY APPROACH MEN and “shoot their shot”. When they approach they’ll typically strike up a conversation, see if he’s available, let him know that she’s available and then wait for guy to ask her out(because her doing it is “too embarrassing!” *Eyeroll*).

    So a woman being direct is surprising but attractive as well.

    *”but does the same thing happens considering that you don’t think the girl is attractive, hot, pretty, etc?”*

    To a degree.

    The thing is the majority of the women that do this won’t be physically attractive.

    Why is that?

    Who knows. Maybe they figure that they don’t have anything to lose. Maybe the more attractive women are too into their own heads and emotions that their too terrified to do anything.

    Only the women will know.

  21. If she has a nice personality and good manners then I will take it as far as it can go.but if she is full of bs,it’s a pass.

  22. I’ll say ty, but if I’m not finding u attractive then I’m not gonna go for it

  23. Although, yes, if you are trying to get a man’s attention, then DONT BE SUBTLE.

    But if I don’t think she’s attractive, then there aren’t any combination of words in the English language that are going to change that fact.

    So if she’s not attractive “ hi you are cute” isn’t gonna do shit. 🤷🏽‍♂️

    She has to be a minimum level of cute for that to work.

  24. I ask if she beeds anything particular. If not I’d probably go about my day.

  25. I generally just act extremely aloof as if I’m clueless to the whole thing.

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