There’s a girl that I’ve started to like recently but I don’t know how to go about messaging her , any advice ?

  1. Yeah, if you’re go message have a reason. But to be honest, unless you’ve at least said hi in person I’d leave her alone by message

  2. Unless you have a friend who can introduce you or have reason to talk to her or meet her in person, i’d leave her alone

  3. If you’re going to need a hand to hold the entire duration of your messaging history, you should just drop all that and just.. Do. And go with your instinct. Only way to learn.

  4. As a girl, I have some tips for you. Ask her about her hobbies, what she is interested in. Music, movies, books, outings, celebrities or places. Then try to find common things and relate to her.

    You can also google for more ideas. Don’t talk in an investigation or interview manner. Try to give the conversation a flow and use some jokes or flirt a bit in between (light flirting, don’t scare her). Good luck!

  5. Yes, read a book about conversational technique. There are a number of them. Buy them on Amazon. Have a clue: people have had this problem before and guess what: THEY WRITE ABOUT THE SOLUTION. Don’t be stupid.

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