How often do you receive compliments? What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?

  1. >What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?

    A few months ago, while i was using a urinal a man approached me from behind, he whispered in my hear “Nice dick, bro”, hugged me from behind a told me “Let me handle that for you”, then proceeded to shake my PP, as he ended he told me that he was going to take a piss, and that it’s of gentlemen to return a favor, so i did, we are best friends now.

  2. Maybe once or twice a year if you don’t count those that don’t really matter like from family or what I receive at work because I’m in social work.

    It wasn’t directly a compliment but the nicest thing was to hear that my first girlfriend at 15 years old didn’t kill herself because of me.
    Thankfully she’s still alive, probably still married (don’t hear from her) and is a mom.

  3. I grew up in a pretty sterile home raised by two pragmatic people. Not bad people or bad parents, there just wasn’t a lot of praise or encouragement offered. I was in my mid 30’s and I finished a really large and involved backyard project that took many weeks to complete. When it was over my wife said, “I am so proud of you.” It hit me like a sledge hammer between the eyes. No exaggeration; I had to sit down because I was starting to tear-up. I just came to a shocking realization that no one had ever said those words to me before.

  4. Maybe once or twice with a bit of luck each 4 months.

    I don’t have one in memory, most of the things outsiders would label as a nice thing to say where in reality backhanded compliments.

  5. My girlfriend and best friend compliment me almost daily. My girlfriend thinks I’m super cool, and I love that.

  6. Somebody said I had a nice shirt. And then somebody else complimented that same shirt. Outside of that, I occasionally get compliments as a result of my effort (i.e. you did a good job on that project, good job finishing up that job), and occasionally some from my family.

  7. I receive compliments on my cool shirts like once every month. Kinda nice. That’s really it though.

    Nicest one was “You’re kinda cute…. in a weird kind of way. Ya know?” That was 8th grade 6th period class 3 minutes before the bell rang. Been 7 years since then with nothing close to that LOL

  8. a woman stopped me today while I was working to tel me I have beautiful hair. Been getting them a lot since I’ve been letting my hair out.

  9. So rarely that I can count the times on one hand, but probably “Those glasses look good on you”

  10. Own child which had not yet rich vocabulary (pure soul) and said I love you with simple words: “You are beautiful.”

  11. Not that often. Most memorable that wasnt family was that a coworker that I was close to a while ago was just complimenting me a lot in general but at some point had a long conversation with me about how much she liked how calm, rational and in control of the situations I’m in I was. That was really cute.

  12. My gf compliments me almost everyday. The one that has stood out the most was one time she said it should be illegal for me to wear a hat backwards because I look so good and that it’s stressful to be around me when I’m wearing one lol. Been holding onto that one since the day she said it and it never fails to make me smile when I think about it

  13. I honestly cannot remember the last time I received a compliment about my looks. Must’ve been 10 or more years ago. Comes with being in my 40s I guess. Now I just get complimented on the quality of my work, because work is all a 40+ year old man is good for.

    But the nicest compliment I ever received? That’s easy. The prettiest girl in my high school told me I was “her favorite white boy she ever met.”

  14. A boss once told me he liked that I was street smart and college educated. Stuck with me for some reason.

  15. It varies, recently it has been around my hair. Had a lady at a food place compliment it saying it looks really silky and asking how I achieve it(what routine I have, products, etc). Also recently this girl I have developed a crush on, they said I look good with my hair long.

    Normally I’d said it’s one at most a year for me, but thus year is looking good

  16. Oh jeez, I honestly don’t get compliments that often. Last time I got one was at least over a month ago.

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