I’ve been in a flat for close to a year now and we still regularly get mail for the previous tenants. At the 6 month inspection we gave a bunch of the mail to the landlord who said he’d try and get it sent on to them.

Today there was a pile of 5-6 letters of mostly looking junk mail for the previous tenant and I just decided I’d discard it, but I needed a scrap bit of paper to stick a label on something so I ripped open one intending to write on the envelope – When I opened it I caught a glimpse that I was a NHS letter with results of a medical test.

What should I do now?

  1. Return to sender. Write Gone away or no longer at this address and post it. You don’t need to put another stamp on it.

  2. “accidentally” opened the one bit of official looking mail for a bit of paper. .. lol you nosey parker.


    but yeah, just seal it back up, write return to sender and pop it in the post box. the doctor will call them if the results were anything bad . dont worry about it.

  3. we had lived in my old house for 5 years and was still getting letters for previous owner, sent them back so many times, i just ended up throwing them in the bin

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