Let me explain the title. For a while now, anytime someone talks to shit to me, or just insults me, I can’t respond. Like my body doesn’t let me. It can be something as little as “You suck” and my brain just freezes and I don’t know how to respond. The only time I can hold friendly banter with people is if they are really close friends. But even then sometimes it just doesn’t happen. This happens both with just jokey insults and real insults. Its severely debilitating. I feel like I can’t defend myself in conversation. I don’t know if this is the place to post this but I just needed to get it off my chest.

1 comment
  1. I’m trying to think of something to help but for
    “You suck”
    I HIGHLY suggest one of the following:
    You suck
    “HA! You WISH!”
    You suck
    “Yes. I am a vampire and I vant to suck your BLOOD mwah ha ha!”

    I think maybe look up things like – actually even on reddit there’s things like good come back posts or something like that. I recommend some research on that kind of thing.
    But know your target.
    If they seem violent it may not be worth it

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