Last night I was at a family gathering, my mom recently broke up with her boyfriend of 6 years so it was kind of the main topic, at some point two of my uncles asked my if I had ever had any action with my then step sister, apparently everyone in the family had suspicions because of numerous family photos where she was always touching me, and they even said if they were at my position they would’ve definitely done it.

The thing is, something did happen at some point, I really don’t want to get descriptive but basically she started touching me while I was trying to sleep and I just kind of pretended to be asleep until she was done. I know it makes me seem like a bit of a coward but I really wouldn’t have known how to react otherwise. But anyways, now this thing is eating me up because I feel like I’m lying to everyone about it and yeah I feel very guilty

  1. There’s some things you *don’t* share with family. Your sex life being firmly in that category.

  2. It’s fine to not tell them lol don’t worry. Maybe tell a therapist instead of weird uncles

  3. Were you okay with this? If yes, no judgment but keep it to yourself. Family and sex talk don’t mix.

    If no, definitely talk to a therapist instead of your family and process it with them and decide what to do.

  4. A lot of bad advice here … I think you should first start the talk with your Mom and let her know what happened and how it made you feel. If you didn’t consent to this, it’s sexual harassment/assault. You may not take any action against her, which is fine, but it’s important not to hold those experiences in because they manifest as anxiety and depression and sexual dysfunction later in your 20s and 30s. I’m speaking from experience.

  5. Why the hell would you have to tell them anything? You’re allowed to keep some things to yourself. That’s the beauty of being an individual person.

  6. That’s not something you consented to, you don’t know how you “would” have reacted, I don’t think you know how you feel about it now.

    Don’t tell anyone who would tell you how you SHOULD feel about it. Take the time to explore how you feel about it yourself.

    Tell only people who you think can support how you feel about it even if what you feel is uncertain and ambivalent.

    Be open to your feelings and view of the experience to change over time.

  7. What are you hoping to get out of confessing it to your family? Are you expecting them to say or do something in response to it? My advice is to think out what you want and what the consequences of it will be before you decide on what you plan to do.

  8. You don’t have to confess anything about your sex life to your family. That’s kinda weird.
    You haven’t done anything wrong, to confess. You had sex.. period.

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