Ladies, what’s your favourite animal and why?

  1. Large birds have always fascinated me. Eagles, falcons, hawks, owls, ospreys, etc.

    Everything from their strength, vision, lifespan, and in some cases ability to talk! That’s amazing right?

  2. Dogs ❤️

    All dogs. Large dogs, tiny dogs, goofy dogs, pissed off dogs, dumb dogs, smart dogs. All the dogs.

  3. Stingrays! I went to the aquarium for the first time (as a 24 year old) and nothing would have been able to pull me away for at least a solid hour when I first got there. They are so majestic and interesting to watch and are smart too! Went back to their part of the aquarium 4 more times that day just to see them

  4. There are quite a few I really like!

    Wolves with their interesting social life and their beauty.

    Orcas as apex predators that are incredibly smart, emotional and with a variety of cultures, languages and interesting behaviour patterns.

    Jaguar as apex predators of their habitat and that graceful arrogance of absolutely knowing that.

    Ants as wonderful crafters in the insect kingdom.

  5. I like farm animals in general, especially chickens! They’re so cute and stupid.

  6. It might come off as a shock, but vultures.

    I love all the good they do for the environment by cleaning up the carcasses, I love how smart and resilient they are in flying based of solar thermals in the air, and honestly people might find me crazy but I find them cute and kinda dorky (especially when they walk). I just adore them.

    However I also gotta say I got a soft spot in my heart for hippos. Look up Fionna the hippo at the Cincy zoo, she was a prematurely born hippo that had all the odds against her. She is truly a remarkable creature. Besides her, I just love that they are feisty vegetarians like me lol. And yes I know they are one of the most dangerous animals, if not the most. Even more reason to enjoy em.

  7. A cat, I just had cats since I was born. Dogs don’t really matter when you have cats

  8. Tigers and Amur leopards. Amur keopards have the most gorgeous eyes! And tigers because they’re tigers!

  9. Bats and anything hairless, the more the animal feels like a ballsack the cuter I think it is.
    And I really love horses, but from a distance. I tried to become a horse girl, but they’re just to painful to fall off of and get stepped on by, and so expensive. And I didn’t feel like I needed that pain in my life.
    And ofc any animal in it’s baby form is a favorite, except moose.

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