22 fresh grad, working as a electrical engineer for a small city. Have no debt & dont pay rent bc I live in a house my parents own in this city

Don’t have any friends & family has always been emotionally distant although still love them

I have a decent career, have all the basic necessities but have no one in my life.

I work, go workout, go home, & repeat. Weekends I workout & do fuck all at home. I wanna go into a different industry, maybe aerospace but I doubt they’d hire me, I got no experience bc I’m a fresh grad & that means I can go fuck myself basically

I applied to an aerospace company in this town while I was still a student & they ghosted me but I still wish I could work there instead of doing city work that doesn’t interest me

I just feel lost, tired, & empty in life. Feels like I was just born to be alone & work my life away in a office doing uninteresting work.

What do I do? I don’t even know step one on how to change anything

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  2. The job part may be something you have to endure for a while, but you should be able to make connections. Most forms of leisure, even ones usually done solo, work as some kind of group activity. You can find people to hike, ruck, swim, bike, etc.; if you like reading, you can find a book club; if you play board or video games, you can join or create a local game night and possibly host competitions with prize pots; if you like volunteering, you can clean up parks or beaches. Just examples, but you get the point.

    Good luck.

  3. The probability of you finding a hobby or someone you like within your daily routine are very small. Gotta go do shit, try out volleyball or whatever, even if you don’t want to at first. Go out of your comfort zone.

  4. It might feel contrite… But dude, you’re only 22. Do whatever you want. You make it sound like everything is over, but you’ve barely begun being an adult. Hell, your ‘career ‘ has barely started, feel free to switch it up!

    It sounds like you’re working through some ‘what next’ mindset. Maybe sit down, look at what things you’d like to do. Take your mind away from work by thinking of only non-career goals.

  5. Join a local sports group: playing volleyball or sth with a group of people

    Volunteer for something: gives meaning and with the sports thing above you meet people, maybe even someone you will date, maybe marry one day, have kids with and so on. Can give a lot of meaning.

    Get a dog, maybe from a local shelter, if your work permits it and you like the idea. Taking care of an animal, being outside more and meeting new people eh when training your dog is a great experience.

  6. Put yourself out there…

    Rec sports. Coed leagues, volleyball, softball, hockey

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