I struggle a lot with jumping in with my thoughts, jokes and general responses in a conversation. I’m not really a leader type so I mostly respond to whatever’s being spoken about. But I find that I keep jumping in at the wrong time and someone ends up talking over me, or I wait too long to jump in and the topic has moved on. During these mental calculations, I end up staying silent until spoken to which I fear might give off a disinterested vibes and can make me feel even more spooked to talk because now all of the attention is on what I say. How can I get better at timing when to jump in?

1 comment
  1. The topic moving on one I struggle with myself and I’m trying to learn that too!
    Sometimes in a small group I count – in my mind don’t do this out loud 😂- to 4 and then if nobody has started talking I talk.

    If it’s one to one someone said to me try 2 seconds rather than 4 the 4 thing is my expanding on that I don’t know about 6 for a big group.

    But to some extent it DOES help.
    It doesn’t work on zoom etc unless I can see everyone’s faces but when I can see everyone’s faces it helps me interrupt by accident less.

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