I see so many people on here complaining about overthinking while talking to someone, not knowing what to say/start with, feeling awkward etc, so I thought I would create one post that explains it all.

The reason why these things are happening to you is because you’re not present. Your mind is filled with anxiety and is thinking about literally anything but the task at hand.

So, how do you fix this?



Meditation puts you into a flow state where you’re thinking about nothing but the one thing that you’re focusing on (mine is breath). You’ll eventually be able to apply this level of focus when you’re speaking to someone, or doing work.

Me personally, I do the wim hof guided breathing method on YouTube (you guys do the beginner version). Here’s a quick tutorial:

1. Breathe deeply through your nose

2. Focus on the air going in and out of your nostrils. Think only about the air and nothing else.

3. Eventually, you will catch your mind wandering and thinking about something else in your life that gives you stress. Can be school, work, relationships, doesn’t matter. Once you catch your mind wandering, you need to refocus on your breathing.

Repeat those three steps for 10 minutes a day (or just do wim hof breathing method on yt, I genuinely cannot recommend it enough) and after approximately 2 weeks you will see a difference. If you’re a gym bro like me, imagine those three steps as one rep and each time you do the rep your muscles grow slightly bigger.

And finally, if you couple this with exposure therapy (going outside and talking to people lmao) (discord calls don’t count) you will become unstoppable. To all my fellow maths nerds, imagine meditation is a linear function and then you substitute the result from the meditation into exposure therapy which is an exponential function. Have fun.

1 comment
  1. Also quick addition: if you’re a man and have low testosterone, that can also be a problem because lower free testosterone in the blood induces anxiety. So make sure you’re getting sunlight, eating healthy, exercising and getting 8 or more hours of high quality sleep.

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