I (26f) used to have a crush on this guy (26m) at work (still kinda do, I think he’s really hot but this situation has changed things. Don’t really have a crush, just attracted to him). Well there’s this girl, I knew who she was but we never met, who me and all of my coworkers thought was his ex. Apparently they’re back together? Because she messaged me on Facebook asking me about him and if I ever hung out with him. I said no because we never did, I tried to talk to him a couple times but he wasn’t interested so I stopped. She said that she was going through his phone and found out that he was messaging other girls last year, but they weren’t together at the time so…🤔 anyways I had notice that he also unfriended me and some of the other girls I knew he was talking to. I told my friend about it because she had actually hooked up with him once so she just blocked her so she wouldn’t have to deal with her messaging her. Later that night I get a message from him asking if I said anything to my friend and I said yeah lol and he was saying some stuff and then come to find out it’s actually his ex/gf messaging from his account pretending to be him!! And then she messages me from her account saying “gotcha” 😂 like uh no you’re the one that got got psycho bitch lmao

After that she blocked me and I didn’t hear from her again. Well fast forward like a week or two my friend messages me say that the girl messaged her on Instagram asking her to tell her if she slept with him and then she also got a message from a fake Facebook account with his name. It was obviously her lol I honestly don’t even think that he knows that his ex/gf is doing any of this. I see him at work sometimes and I wanna say something to him but I don’t know if I should. I feel like too much time has passed and what if he does know and then goes off on me or something. My friend said that she would talk to him but they work different shift so she never sees him and she doesn’t wanna text him cuz what if she sees the convo and it makes it worse lol

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