I give people advice in life, I like thinking deeply of life and I have been very dark places mentally, i feel like I understand life a lot and when I see people who are depressed I believe I can fix them.

I overcame PTSD and depression over some years and I have had a psychologist, and I have been diagnosed with ADD and I get medication for ADD. My nature is to help people in need, listen to people and understand their views on life. I encourage personal growth and gratitude, and try to be inspirational.

Although I do all of this, I have come to realise that it sometimes hurt me, I don’t feel bad that I will inevitably die at some point, no, the reason why I want to stop helping random people anymore unless they desperately need it or asks for help, is because I have way too many experiences of feeling like people don’t value the support. Some don’t take it and stays ignorant and some judge me and some don’t listen.

It’s come to a point where I’m starting to second guess myself, just because I’m not special enough for people to have an interest in what I’m talking about.

But I reconize that maybe I’m just doing everything wrong, can you help me understand where I should go from here? Thank you in advance 🙂

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