More Canadians moving or migrating to the US than the other way around. According to Migration Policy Institution, 45k Canadians moved to the US in 2021-2022. Most said they left Canada for better economic opportunities.

And according to the same study, roughly 57k Canadians are living in the US illegally (PolitiFact).

  1. So long as they do their paperwork and aren’t superior jerks when they get here, more power to them.

  2. Any foreigner wanting to live here needs to follow proper procedures like everyone else, period.

  3. Most Americans don’t think about or notice it, especially since Canadians act and sound pretty much like Americans.

  4. Canadians hate Americans and bring a superiority complex with them same with Australians and brits….u move here, respect the locals and don’t be a dick, we dont give a fuck about how it is done in Canada or your healthcare system or any of that we do give a fuck about being good neighbors to each other and not bring a snide high strung entitled Canadian prick.

  5. Our opinion has almost always has been, if you want to come, please come. Make you difference and diversity part of our normal. Make our normal part of your normal.

    But don’t come illegal please.

  6. I don’t care as long as the Canadians are legal. My wife is a Canadian citizen and I have Canadians work for me that came down here to make better money. As long as I don’t have to listen about how much more superior Canadians are to Americans we will get along just fine.

  7. If you go to the ask Canada sub they think America is terrible lol

    Really speaks to the fact the loud voices on Reddit are the minority

  8. They are not sending their best. We need a wall a big powerful wall, greased with maple syrup so they can’t climb it.

  9. I don’t like or approve of any illegal immigration. I am indifferent to all legal immigration.

  10. It’s estimated there’s over 1 million Canadians living in the USA already. They’re one of the largest sources of inbound immigration to the USA.

    How do I feel about it? Fine. It’s expensive up there and super cold a lot of the year. I get why people move.

  11. Illegal is illegal. Legal immigration? Very positive. Canadians integrate very easily, are usually highly skilled workers, and are generally pleasant and likeable people.

  12. My wife is Canadian, and she lives in the US legally with me, so I’m hapoy with that arrangement.

  13. The same as I feel about any other people coming here. Welcome aboard. Try not to kill anyone and please share your favorite recipes.

  14. I mean it seems very dumb. We will annex them eventually so give them the free migration rights now.

  15. I thought y’all had better opportunities and healthcare than we did? And poutine.

    As long as yer here legally, welcome. Hope you brought beaver tails

  16. So long as they don’t try to enact laws to force everyone to learn French and aren’t horrible people I don’t care.

  17. I’d prefer everyone goes the legal route and I’d like it if we opened the doors wider for more immigration.
    I’ve certainly got no issues with Canadians!

  18. Legally I’m cool with it as long as they don’t act superior! In my region we get a lot of them visiting, and they’re very rude to the locals (not just Quebec, Ontario is guilty of this too!). Even illegally, as long as they’re paying taxes, and not looking down on people.

  19. I welcome all Canadians. I welcome anyone of merit who can support themselves and be respectful to the country, honestly. We need healthy minded people who will raise healthy minded children. Society needs a cleanse.

  20. I’m fine with it, both legally or illegally. I have several Canadian colleagues who immigrated on professional work visa for economic and career reasons. The reverse is almost unheard of.

    It’s good for the U.S. that scientists and engineers are graduating from top world universities in Canada and coming to the US to drive innovation and economic growth.

  21. Can’t say that I blame them.

    Canadians sure do love to flex a superiority complex on Americans, but at the end of the day. It’s better here (despite the health care and milk containers)

  22. Fine as long as they come legally and contribute to society. My doctor here in the US was Canadian.

  23. It makes sense. A lot of Americans go to Arizona and Florida in the winter too.

    I’m always sort of surprised we don’t have open borders and completely free trade with Canada, like the EU do with each other. Oh well.

    Illegal Canadians would have the same issues as other illegal aliens. You would have big trouble trying to live a normal life, working a regular job, renting, driving, getting insurance/healthcare, or even having a bank account or credit cards.

  24. I don’t think literally everyone who becomes a US citizen is doing it for ideological reasons.

  25. Come legally and who cares? Just remember, part of living here involved abandoning the ridiculous metric system

  26. I have always believed that Canadians and Americans should be allowed to live and work in each others countries without any deportation; So I don’t mind it at all

  27. I don’t care. As long as they are not committing crimes and / or fleeing crimes committed in Canada. They share the same societal and Democratic values as we do.

  28. Like with most immigration things: you’re welcome, but the laws in your old place aren’t. Don’t make this place like the place you fled from. Thank you, and welcome to freedom.

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