I am 20 years old and have decide to not sleep around until I find the right guy.

It’s a decision I’m happy about but it does make me very nervous thinking about sex.
I think what scares me the most, is the fact that I’ve only ever masturbated externally.

It is very easy for me to cum from external rubbing so the thought of waiting has felt special.

But today I’m a little in my own head about what loosing my virginity will be like? Will it hurt? Will it bleed? Is it only a little or a lot?

  1. It varies person-to-person. But I believe if your partner focuses on foreplay, getting you revved up, and goes slow with insertion you’ll be ok. You might bleed a little bit, but vaginas were made to stretch. As long as your partner isn’t rough with you, you’ll be fine.

  2. My partner lost her virginity at 19. It was a very painful and slow process, and took multiple attempts. Make sure to communicate throughout and make sure that your partner understands that what you say goes. You say stop, he stops right away.

    Once it finally got in, she felt very little sensation from it for the first couple of times. After a few sessions, it started to feel pleasurable. So keep in mind that that might take time too.

  3. Meditate on the idea that all of humanity exists because of sex, and the good aspects FAR outweigh any short-lived negatives. You’re going to love it 😊🙌

  4. Practice penetration alone to get used to it. Fingering yourself is step one, basically. Lube is your friend, be relaxed and turned on

    Edit to add that I felt no pain at all when I lost mine. I practiced with a toy first so maybe that’s why

  5. I was scared to so i bought a dildo to practice and “stretch” myself out. I have to be honest it hurt and i really had to push myself and use lube to get it in. I also had to practice multiple times. My hymen was broken before from an accident with a tampon so this was really just my vagina being tight and not used to being stretched this way. Sort of as if you are trying to force yourself into the splits, you technically have the capacity to do it but it hurts so bad that you need to practice. All that pain was worth it though because when i lost my virginity i was okay and i’m glad i didnt ruin the first few times i had sex with that kind of pain. I’d really recommend you practice too. It’s not kinky or sexy to have a man be inside you before you, because your first time will not result in you being wowed. It will hurt and since you’re not used to having something move inside you your nerves are also not primed to send signals making you feel pleasured. My first time was very underwhelming and i didn’t understand the hype about sex. It again took some practice to “activate” the nerves and for sex to go from ‘meh’ to ‘oh this is actually nice’.

  6. I (F18) just lost my virginity like a day ago, and it shockingly didnt hurt at all since my boyfriend did foreplay and I was ready enough. I actually masturbated only externally before, same as you and I havent stuck a finger in before too. Honestly I was expecting the sex to hurt but it luckily didnt and I didnt bleed too!!

  7. Don’t worry just use a little lube. I don’t recall anything but her saying she was sore, like muscle sore when lifting too much.

  8. Well normally who I’m with is aroused enough and wet, which is the body’s natural lube, but even if you’re wet the first time, I would put a small amount, can’t hurt!

  9. My girl friend we are Christian and we wanna wait till marriage and she’s a virgin and is saving her self for me so this advice later on will be helpful

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