How many d*ck picks have you gotten without asking?

  1. Since being on Reddit? Easily 50+

    99.9% Of them being suuuper small and gross looking, they look like squished hairless moles and they’re like “You like dat babeh?”

  2. 3.
    A stranger randomly sent me a dick pick online and 2 from men I liked… but stopped as soon as they sent the pictures because I hadn’t even slept with them yet and they decided to just randomly send me their dick. One of them sent a full naked body pic…like sir, what it wrong with you?!

  3. From people that I literally know and never flirted with or anything… at least 5

    Literally how does this happen. Why is this necessary. What is going through their minds when they decide this is a good idea ?!

    A random penis is actually the most revolting thing. Like it’s only cute if I like you bro

  4. One it was from a former colleague. I think it was a mistake. I did not mind much.

  5. Back when I was on Tinder, and sent guys my Snap, I’ll get dick pics from the vast majority of guys. Without asking. Once I even had a guy I never spoken to, sent a dick pic saying he hope I enjoy it.

  6. I stopped counting years ago. But probably more than 100 given the tech didn’t block or filter them out

  7. Just got one now. Funny isn’t it. It happens. Just report and block. If it’s directed at an account with my real name, like Facebook, I send it to the police and say that I suspect child porn. Good luck to the guy lol.

  8. 2? I just wonder what goes on in their brains, the thought process behind it and what response they expected to get? Like.. that’s nasty man..

  9. When I was a minor and had unsupervised access to the internet, everyday, all day. A day didn’t go by where I didn’t receive one.

    The most messed up part? Everyone knew I was underage.

    Now? Literally never. My boyfriend triple checks before he sends me one.

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