I’m just asking because I am in a different country than my own and in the very beginning of a relationship (couple of weeks) with a person that doesn’t speak my mother tongue. I am sure that I want my children to speak both my language and hers, but I’m not sure she’s on the same page. On one side, clearly I should talk to her about it but I’m not sure if it’s too early. On the other hand, I’m not either sure I want to waste time and emotional effort with a person that may not share this particular vision with me. I dunno what do you think from your perspective?
Also, this question is general, as when it is right as a matter of time to start talking about what’s the other’s idea for the future.

  1. The question of children is essential. A couple shouldn’t be together if they disagree on it. So I’d have that conversation no later than the first date.

  2. If you enjoy being with her, I would wait for her to ask you to be exclusive.

  3. Depends on how important the thing is to you. If you definitely want kids then perhaps it would happen near the very beginning to make sure you aren’t wasting your time. Same goes for any other deal breakers.

  4. To me that should be something that is talked about immediately. Usually it is a make or break question.

  5. We talked about kids on the second date. Our total compatibility on that issue is one of the main things that turned us from casual daters into a couple.

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