I loved her personality, but I could not be with the person she was. She was a liar, and someone that had no problem lying to me and then gaslighting me when I caught her.

I caught her hiding drugs from me, and then she blew up on me when I left because of it, and tried to make me seem like the bad guy because I left. I had enough.

It seems like all I can think about is what we would’ve been if things were different.

Also she was my only friend. I have no clue what to do now. I’ve felt very lonely, and I don’t drink or even know how I should meet people. What should I do now?

tl;dr: broke up with gf, don’t know how to make friends now.

  1. You are 21 are you in school? Working? Can you find a group of people there that have similar interests? Join clubs! You have some buddies from highschool? Reach out to them!

  2. I’ve never used one before but there are apps (eg Bumble) where you can meet friends, you could try that

  3. Maybe there’s a subreddit for your hometown where you can see if there’s any social groups/clubs to join.

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