Gay guy here, ask away 🙂

  1. My question is do you have the sexual mindset of a guy or a girls one
    I mean guys want to fuck a hot girl they saw girls want to know the guy a bit so they can be fucked
    So when you see a hot guy do you want to fuck him immediately or you wanna know a bit
    Also how many relationships you lost?

  2. Do you look at straight men the same way we look at you? (Not in like a hateful prejudice way, more in like a “oh well that’s different” way)

  3. I know this is entirely subjective and probably way too personal, so feel free to not answer if you’re uncomfortable, but what is “normal” sex for you?

    By that I mean, my wife and I have been together 17 years and married for 10. I know what our normal “we’re in the mood but it’s a weeknight so let’s not go too over the top” is. For most people I’d assume they have more or less the same routine like 75% of the time. What is that for you? I know some gay men don’t enjoy anal sex, but for some it’s an every time activity. Culturally, hetero sex has been the norm in media forever and we have so few depictions of gay and lesbian sex that I’m genuinely just curious.

  4. Why the change in posture, movement, and speech? Makes it all feel like an act. Do you feel you have to do these things to be accepted in the community?

  5. Do gay guys ever think about having biological kids? If so, whats the plan?

  6. Do you still look at women? For example, for a curvy older well dressed woman I sometimes imagine then without clothes and wonder what their parts are like (hairy, shaved, small etc)

  7. What are the best and worst things about being gay, OUTSIDE of external prejudices.

    As in, if we all lived in a perfect world where being gay was just another barely-interesting fact about someone like what kind of jam they prefer on their toast… What would be the best and worst things?

  8. I’m a masculine looking male who has a more feminine personality and I’ve confused gay men in the past about my alignment. I don’t really like to hurt anyone’s feelings if they’re just being friendly to me, so I usually mention my wife to turn off the interest. Still, being friends after a pick-up attempt is a little awkward.

    Is that just one sided awkwardness on my part, or is closing off the friendship option a more friendly way of dealing with things with a gay man who’s expressed sexual interest?

  9. When you drive some place, is it a pretty even split? Or does one person do most of the driving?

    It may sound stupid, but when me and my wife go out, I drive 95% of the time. It is not a question, some power-trip or anything. It is just something that was always done. The same with my friends and their wives. The guy does most of the driving.

  10. Why are most gay men so conventionally attractive? And all seem to be in great shape.

  11. Why do so many gay men change their gender to female on dating apps? (I’m not talking about trans people, I mean dudes who go by he/him who set their profile to be a women so they are shown to straight men who are seeking women)

  12. Who’s the person that gave you the most anxiety coming out to in your family/close friends?

  13. Why is there such a large group of gay dudes that have to emphasize and repeatedly state that they’re gay and do they annoy the shit out of you also? Like you can be having a discussion about the weather and they state they’re gay 4 times. The fuck does that have to do with shit?

  14. So lube is used when doing butt stuff right, but then afterwards aint it all just still up there? Does it just slowly leak out, or do you douche it out? If you leave it up there do you fart lube bubbles?

    Anyway, happy pride man, keep being you and don’t let anyone give you shit for it.

  15. A man and a woman meet at bar and go home together. It’s mostly going to go one way.

    Two gay men meet at a bar and go home together, all the way they think how great it is and can’t wait to get ravaged by the other. They both step in the door and both bend over expecting a drunken bumming. An awkward silence falls.

    Does this ever happen and how do you know if you meet other men in places like bars and clubs that you’re sexually compatible in that way?

  16. Might sound strange, but maybe the Opinion of a Gay-Men can figure it out:

    So, i’m mostly a “Good Friend” Type when it comes to Woman. Nothing wrong with it don’t get me wrong, but i wonder why thats the Case and it seems i get more interests from Gay Men instead of Woman.

    I’m not buffed or anything. Kinda basic looking Bodytype. Maybe a bit Skinny but still ok looking. Having a Babyface (when completely shaved i look like 16 or so and i’m 30) and not realy growing Hairs on the Face or Chest if that might help figure out my “problem”

  17. Is there a rear end care routine that keeps the back door “sex ready” at all times?

  18. I don’t even think my OWN dick is attractive. Just how in the hell does that work???

  19. Why do gay men tend to have higher pitched voices? It’s far from all of them but it’s almost a guarantee when a guy has a high pitched voice. No offense intended.

  20. What’s up with the lispy effeminate voice. Is it like a fake accent a lot of gay guys put on?

  21. How in god’s name do you put up with all the absolute shit you get from the straight world?

  22. Why are there so many gay men into fat dudes?

    I feel like there are five times as many gay men as straight women who are interested in fat men.

  23. Do you feel that you get along with all genders/orientations equally as friends? Or do you have a preference? Just curious, because as a straight guy I’ve had almost exclusively straight friends, and a couple of bi women. But I almost never meet men who are openly gay or bi.

  24. Nothing. I’ve got zero interest in the private lives of anyone not me. I’m of the mind that minding one’s own business is the minimum courtesy we can extend others.

  25. Why do some of you prance around and act like women?

    Its ok to be a typical man that happens to be gay.

  26. Not much really. You do you.

    Nothing against the myriad of human sexuality. (Except for the predatory and abusive aspects).

    But not too curious.

    Any questions for a straight guy?

  27. As a straight guy, I can watch straight porn despite the fact that there is a guy in there. I watch for the woman.

    As a gay man, if you’re watching straight porn (you wouldn’t, but for the sake of argument) do you feel anything watching homeboy get fucked at all, or does the woman’s presence ruin it completely?

  28. What is it specifically that draws gay men to high end culture, fine art, fancy food, fancy wardrobes, etc. I mean, I’m a straight guy who loves a lot of this stuff, although I can’t really afford to buy clothes as nice as I’d like to. I guess my overall question is, why are gay men better at living the high life than straight men? (Serious question lol)

  29. Why do some gay men “act like women”? A lot of women don’t even act like that… very confusing for me as in I don’t understand why they do that

  30. When 2 gay men have sex how do they know which man’s penis will open up to accept the other man’s penis?

    ( Sorry Office reference. IYKYK)

  31. Are you worried about HIV/AIDS a lot?

    (I was going to ask if you were worried about it more than straight people, but you would have no way of answering that)

    I know HIV is way easier to pass along in anal sex. Are you worried about it much or just use condoms and it’s fine? What about oral sex?

  32. Am I pretty?

    I actually have a few “Gay Correspondents” for certain inquiries. 🧐

  33. How do you deal with the refractory period? If you finish first are you still good to go and do what your partner needs for them to finish?

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