As in the title. I’m 23F.

Overall – sex is awesome, he’s hot, but I feel he treats me just as a tool for him orgasming, he doesn’t really pay attention to how I feel about sex, he puts all time his domination and what he wants. I enjoyed it in the beginning \[it goes since january\], but now I feel I do not have a word to say.

And a thing – he all time includes my belly. All the time, anywhere, in any way. It also makes me thinking he is just fetishizing me. He also calls himself “a chubby chaser”, which only makes me more certain in my opinion.

Any tips on what to do? I don’t really want to stop meeting him, but I want to have more to say in bed with him.

1 comment
  1. Full disclosure, my preference is BBW, and I am very attracted to a nice belly.

    That being said, I want any touch and dirty talk to come from a body/sex positive space. And if the partner isn’t there, I don’t go there.

    Few things. One, talk about it outside of sex. Meet up where you can have a sensitive discussion, but not have sex to talk it over.

    Two, think about what you want. Do you want other parts touched? More foreplay/oral? No tummy touch at all? More aftercare that affirms you as a person, not just being a chubby woman?

    Three, how are your orgasms? What are the things you would like sexually? Do you always want it to be D/s? Are there other kinks you’d like to try? Or maybe would like something more vanilla?

    Finally, I try to assume people are coming from a good place, but just need some communication to get in sync. But you’ll know pretty quickly if he is digesting what you have said or he’s all about his pleasure.

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