What do you like to do when you want to relax?

  1. I like to go down to a small beach or cliffs above the ocean and eat snacks and read a book in the sun.

  2. Go to a bar, see a small club gig, play video games, watch Twitch, lie on the balcony couch and play Pokémon Go, drink wine, eat an edible, and/or take a nap.

  3. I lay on my trampoline in the backyard and look up at the clouds. It’s actually really soothing.

  4. Make a cozy meal, put on youtube, play a video game and lay on the sofa with a blanket

  5. Mostly just stay in my room, get into pajamas and lay under the covers, But sometimes I find it more relaxing to go outside and walk to the next neighborhood and look into the stores.

  6. Read, game, or otherwise disappear into things – e.g., gardening, and baking recently.

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