How can you go commando in jeans with zippers? Isn’t that wildly uncomfortable?

  1. It is, its generally considered a bad move. If you’re gonna do it, use basketball shorts or something.

  2. …zippers have a backing fabric, the metal teeth aren’t open to the inside of the jeans. Even wal-mart jeans have that.

  3. How do you not understand how a zipper works? The metal cannot touch your junk, there is denim on the inside.

  4. Just raw dogging some jeans like that is crazy. Never understood how some can do that.

  5. I don’t. The zipper isn’t a concern. It’s how rough the material is on my lil’ buddy.

  6. Can’t say I’ve ever noticed an issue. Not that I wear jeans without underwear frequently though.

  7. The zipper isn’t an issue when just wearing them. It’s using the zipper that gets your twig and berries in harm’s way. Surprisingly, UNzipping is how most people injure themselves.

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