I (F28) have been with my BF (M28) for about a year now and he has been unhappy with our sex life for a while now. He feels like he is doing most of the work, which he is probably right. I am far less sexually experienced than he is. Most of my past partners have really been the ones to take the lead. I honestly feel self conscious and awkward about taking the lead in bed. Truthfully, I don’t even really know what to do. What can I do to improve? How can I get over these feelings?

  1. I have never understood this. Girls dont have to be skilled per se. I mean if you can have skills its things like bj, hj, and riding. But long as you have enthusiasm and are into trying my kinks then you are a sex goddess in my book.

  2. This used to be me. I let my fiancé do everything and I think it made him feel really unwanted and like I wasn’t interested.
    The key here is you don’t really need to be ‘good’. You need to be confident.
    Walk over to him, hug him, lightly graze your hand over his crotch, whisper ‘I want to take you to bed’ to him.
    Little things like that will instantly make him feel wanted and like you’re sexually attracted to him.
    Suggest having a shower together, a nice bath, tell him you want him to lie on the bed whilst you strip for him.
    Bring a blindfold into the bedroom so you feel less self conscious and kiss every inch of his body. But building your confidence first is a must or else this won’t work. That is the key here.

  3. Self-concious, awkward, not doing any of the work, not experienced, etc. Sounds like you’re answering your own questions.

    Communicate, have fun, maybe ask what he wants and do what he says. Practice will help.

  4. Communication is key especially sexually. Of course it’s going to feel awkward & uncomfortable but that’s the only way to fix it. Just do what feels good, what feels right, you have to let go & let your body take control. You don’t have to have experience, just learn as you go, if something feels really good go with it, if it’s getting a really great reaction from him keep doing it.

  5. You need to be able to relax and fully let go, enjoy everything in the moment. Communicate your likes and dislikes to each other

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