What is the best way to control anger in social settings?

  1. a few deep breaths always does the trick for me, i’m not a particularly angry guy though

  2. Figure out what allows you to get angry at things and figure out how to see the situation from a different POV.

    There’s almost nothing worth being angry about in my mind. To allow someone to bring about rage in me would be admitting that I’m giving them more power than they’re worth.

  3. Assess if I am the problem or the setting. Former: correct myself. Latter: leave

  4. if you’re consistently getting extremely angry in exclusively social settings either i don’t understand what you mean clearly enough, you have some anger issues or you have bad friends/ social acquainces

    bc I’m almost never extremely angered socially

  5. In my experience, it’s less about controlling emotions and more about controlling your responses.

  6. Cigarettes.

    It may not be *the best* way, but it’s sure as shit the easiest.

  7. If you find yourself getting angry all the time, you’re not working out enough. It’s almost impossible to be super mad when you’re exhausted.

  8. 1) identify trigger points
    2) avoid trigger points identified if possible
    3) have a plan when anger starts. This can be moving away from the situation, breathing techniques, meditation or self soothing exercises
    4) bringing a friend who can walk you through or identify trigger points can help avoid situations or talk you down from escalation.
    5) if none of the above can help I suggest seeing a professional and avoiding socal settings whenever possible until help is sought.

  9. 1. Breath
    2. Give people permission to call you out. Then accept the feedback. I was in a management position in my 20s so I would often immediately react to things. My assistant (What a blessing she was) would say things like “You’re a manager, get your shit under control and act professionally.” Her voice is always in my head when I want to react emotionally to something even though I haven’t worked with her for over five years now.

  10. Know that the only thing that’s going to happen if you show anger is the following:

    1. People will come to identify you as a hothead.
    2. If the anger is caused by an antagonist, tht person is going to get a rise out of you and milk it for all its worth because your anger can be played like a harp (narcissists do this and then tell everyone else, “see, I told you he was a jerk”).

    Therefore, you absolutely MUST force yourself to realize that if you show anger in social settings, all it can do is harm. it will not “prove” anything to anybody other than the above.

  11. Communicate your feelings and your needs and if you don’t think you can be appropriate for the situation, leave. “Honestly I’m really mad at you right now and need a few minutes alone to process this. See you in a bit” “that’s really getting under my skin actually. Just stop” “yeah nah shit’s fucked. I need a break”. It’s all situational but just don’t make others feel unsafe

  12. Walk away and remove yourself, take some deep breaths and evaluate what has you so angry then address it. Don’t be a slave to it.

  13. Remove yourself from the situation, person(s) or actions which are leading you to get angry. And take a chill break…

  14. I personally know people too well. I know if someone is angry or whatever they’ll do anything and say just about anything to make you as upset or distraught as them.

    So I just treat every situation the exact same no matter how angry someone is. Obviously people find ways to push my buttons and I only tell people once. “Hey that’s not cool” or “that’s startin to bother me can you stop doing that please?” if it keeps up I just go home no matter where I am. I leave without explaining.

  15. Take 4 deep breaths before reacting or responding to whatever situation has made you angry

  16. We’ll I don’t ever get angry enough for me to ever feel the need to ‘control’ it, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I feel like a lot of anger control comes in the *why* you’re angry and not the *when* you’re angry. Until you can get that why resolved, the best thing is a whole lot of self awareness.

    For me one reason I can’t get angry (as in I shouldn’t, not that I don’t have the ability to) is because i always prefer to talk it out. Have an actual conversation and not a screaming contest. Even if the other person is angry, if you stay calm long enough, they eventually pipe down. If it’s too much, you can always walk away. If they persist, at least you have the advantage of looking like the bigger guy in the situation for not engaging (that is if you’ve not done anything wrong)

  17. The best way to control anger in social settings is to practice self-awareness and emotional regulation techniques. Taking deep breaths, counting to ten, and using positive self-talk can help manage anger. It’s also important to communicate assertively and empathetically, seeking understanding and finding constructive solutions to conflicts.

  18. If its really rustling your jimmies, just walk away or know if a trigger is going to be present don’t put yourself in a bad position to get angry.

  19. The best way to control anger in social settings is to practice mindfulness and deep breathing techniques. It’s also important to communicate clearly and assertively without becoming aggressive or confrontational. If all else fails, take a break from the situation and remove yourself from the environment before your anger gets the best of you. Remember, it’s always better to stay calm and level-headed than to blow up and regret your actions later.

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