I live in a country where they speak a different language to the one I was raised with (English), but I’m mostly fluent in the language they speak here as well. I have a name that also exists in this country, but it’s pronounced differently to how my name is pronounced. Whenever I introduce myself I’ll make sure I pronounce my name clearly, but they always seem to resort to the other name some how and it’s extremely frustrating. I’m never sure how to correct people when they do that, especially when I’ve already had to do it in the past. It also doesn’t help that I have to say it in a foreign language, I never know what to say! Does anybody have any tips?

  1. I’m just your average middle aged white monolinguistic american, and I find mispronouncing someones name to be an insult. Mind you I have a boring three letter name. I find many people do this out of racism here in america and I will correct them if they “accidentally” bungle someones name. Not sure if this is what you’re experiencing, but seriously how hard is it to listen when someone introduces themselves and use the name they gave you. I occasionally encounter a name I just don’t feel like I’m going to get right. I’ve never had anyone react less that positively to asking for their name again.

  2. Immediately after they pronounce your name wrong say it again clearly, before they start thinking it’s your name. if they’re pronouncing it wrong my placing emphasis on a specific vowell, or saying a different letter, explain to them what exactly they’re doing wrong by saying something like “Oh no, it’s _ with an N” or “No, it’s pronounced with emphasis on the O”.
    don’t apologise for correcting somebody, don’t feel awkward, and do it straight away. It’s more awkward to correct people when they’ve been pronouncing your name wrong for a while. You also should never apologise for wanting to be referred to as the correct pronounciation of your name

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