Hi so im a 21 year old Latino male who’s in the navy, im stationed in Norfolk Virginia, originally from the Bay Area in California, Im at the age where I do wanna get into serious dating, i will say this, im a shy person, growing up I didn’t talk to a whole lot of people, never had a relationship, still a Virgin, im 21 now, im an adult living off on my own, this is probably the loneliest Ive been, I do wanna start dating, I just have a tendency to put myself down a lot, still working on it tho, but I just don’t know how to start, where to start, I’m new to this basically, I’m just stuck because I’m in the navy, there’s gunna be times where I’m gunna be gone for a certain amount of time, I just don’t wanna risk getting cheated on or anything like that, idk I just need some advice or tips from anyone, Im Just stuck man, I don’t have anyone here to talk to about this lol

  1. I think the first thing is to realize how good of a guy you are. As a person. Have you done good to people? Do you help? Do you care? Do you have a good heart? Are you kind hearted? Etc. Just think about things like that and ask yourself those questions. Then when you realize how kind of a person you are and you see your qualities thats where your foundation is. I had to do this because i was similar to you. I remind myself that im not the problem most cases, and that i am kind, and a good man and that a lot more things are out of my control (who likes me). Im rooting for you man 🙂

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