Divorced men of reddit, what made you want to leave your spouse?

  1. Lol 80% of all divorces are filed by women. You might want to rephrase your question.

  2. Emotionally abusive, drank too much and she became a bitter person. One of those people that felt like they were owed something.

  3. She was manipulative, transactional, and just not a good person. I stuck around way too long. It has damaged me as a person that I now have to work at repairing.

  4. She stopped caring about me as a person or about us as a couple. Became extraordinarily demanding, didn’t appreciate it when she got exactly what she wanted, and started being emotionally abusive. No love, no intimacy, just inexplicable anger and entitlement.

  5. It got to the point where every word out of her mouth expressed anger and hatred and I couldn’t live that way anymore so I left.

  6. We were fundamentally different. The simplest way to describe it is that she liked to be seen, and I liked to not be seen. Sure, I’ll go to the party, grab a beer, hang out in the corner, maybe talk to my mates a bit. She wanted a crowd, and she wanted to impress them.

    If I were in the “He-man woman haters” clubhouse, I’d say she was attention seeking, had to be the main character, etc., but with enough distance that kind of talk just sounds like sour grapes to me now. In truth she wasn’t awful, but we were a terrible match.

    But!! we both found better matches for ourselves, had happier lives because of it, and were able to communicate pretty well about the daughter we co-parented. The guy my ex found could not possibly have been a better stepfather,.

    So… yeah, we left each other because we wanted opposite things in a relationship. At the time I felt like the victim with her as the villain, but that was all heat of the moment stuff that feels a lot different 20 years later.

  7. alcoholism, spitting chewed up food in my face in front of my son, cheating with my best friend, zero effort around the house like cleaning, helping with dinner, blaming me for everything she was doing even thought I bought her everything she could ever want and sacrificed my entire life for her.

  8. How to know it’s a karma farming question?

    This frequently asked question.

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