I’ve been dating off and on over the past few years. During my my dating ventures I’ve followed some women (we still follow each other). Since thing’s haven’t gone anywhere after the 1st meet up with a few, we are still following each other. No kind of interaction, likes, etc. The dates were fun and we both had a great time, there just wasn’t that kind of spark – for reference. Either I rejected her and I was rejected.

My question is, since it’s been several months – close to a year. Would it be okay to remove them? I’m the type of guy who values friendship and connection. I feel like if I remove them, it may seem bitter and/or petty. I would like to hear your take. Am I being soft about this issue?

  1. Good lord you’re overthinking this. Do whatever you want. You met them once.

  2. It’s been a year. You met once. Unfollow. Block. Hell, throw a party if you want to. They will likely not even notice. The world is your oyster, go find ways to enjoy your life.🦪

  3. Mute them or unfollow them.

    Also stop caring what other people think so much damn

  4. Are they annoying you? Why even think about it? You can just mute them. You’ll forget they exist, and it’ll seem like you’re not following them.

    If you actually value connections, just keep following them if it doesnt bother you. Who knows what may happen in the future?

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