i have this small group of friends in class. the problem is, i’m not actually that close with them, its just that i dont have any other friend group beside them. i absolutely adore these girls ofc, but i dont feel like fitting in. 100% sure they still have lots of fun even though i’m missing.

we are planning on a staycation next month, but i dont know if i should go or not (and i’m kinda sure they wont really care if i dont tbh). i dont like being with people i’m not very close with, its socially tiring and i cant be my true self in order to fit in. but i’m afraid of missing a good life experience and ended up never leaving my comfort zone.

what do you think? should i go??

1 comment
  1. I thought i’m reading a post in r/introvert and was thinking that there’s something really wrong. Lol

    I would definitely go, being around people (sorry friends* which really hurts) who don’t really care about me.. Even if you think you’re going to miss a good experience, i’d rather miss it than being around friends don’t appreciate who i’m.

    At least your worst scenario which isn’t going to happen as you seem a great person is comfort zone… It’s called “Comfort” for a reason lol even in a bad way. I’m an introvert thought so it may be easy for me to say.

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