What is your least favorite dog breed?

  1. Most small ones or notoriously vicious ones. Definitely a Labrador, Retriever or Newfoundland type of person. Absolutely love gentle giants.

  2. Pit bull.
    They can be very good dogs, but I would *never* let my guard down around one.

  3. Any little yappy mutts with inbred health problems because turd-monkey human breeders are involved with dog shows

  4. Chihuahuas. And it seems I’m not alone in hating this absolute rat-fuck breed of a dog.

    – Always angry and barking at people / other dogs

    – Arrogant and belligerent as shit even though they get killed by anything and everything (seagulls, heart attacks, furniture).

    – Their owners usually treat them like their little princess / prince.

    – They are fucking ugly breeds (the ones with the bulging eyes are worse).

    – Yappy little shits.


    Yes I hate them. And yes I have problems 😀

  5. Anything that could fall into the “punt dog” genre – they are just the right size to punt.

  6. Pitbulls.

    They maul children.

    To all “It’S tHe OwNeR” people. Don’t reply. I’ve had my fill for low intellect people for the day. You’re just wrong.

    The entire reason different breeds exist is humans realising we could breed BEHAVIOUR.

    My border collie herds anything that moves with ZERO training or experience in herding sheep.

    Pitbulls are violent, they were bred for centuries on the behaviour of biting to be attack dogs… It isn’t the owner.

  7. 911 operator here, I’ve taken around a dozen dog attack calls. 1 was a husky, 2 were unidentified probably mutts, and the rest were pit bulls. They are violent and dangerous, and I’d never spend more then a few moments in one’s presence. Downvote me all you want, those things are monsters

  8. All those pedigree dogs that have been inbred to an inch of their lives and hence have obviously physical problems. Just why?

    The owners seem so narcissist and don’t really give a toss about the actual animal.

  9. Chihuahua.

    I’ve seen them described as 50% trembling, 50% hatred which isn’t fair because it’s more like 80% hatred.

  10. I find the various “doodles”—golden, lab, Berna, etc.—annoying. None of them are as aesthetically pleasing as their purebred parents. They aren’t “hypo-allergenic” and you can get the same kind of a coat with its dubious benefits from a poodle.

    And every one I’ve met has been a stupid crackhead of a dog. Labs and poodles are two of the smartest breeds, but if you crossbreed them apparently the smarts cancel each other out.

    I’m a white yuppie, so naturally like half the women I know have a doodle of some variety or want to get one.

    Either rescue a whatever, or get a breed with real characteristics from a reputable breeder.

  11. The poor doggos that have been known to have breathing problems due to breeding

  12. English bulldogs. I used to be a dog bather and a bulldog who had been coming in for years had a heart attack in the tub and died at the vet due to chronic health problems.

    They also have a lifespan of around 8 years, which is shockingly low. I have a 14 year old chihuahua who’s still going strong, she even runs still. Just puts it into perspective just how unhealthy bulldogs are as a breed

  13. I don’t like how the Target Dog looks. I know it ain’t the poor little thing’s fault but goddamn it, I don’t like looking at that dog.

  14. Ones who be loud barking at kids but go mute around grown-ups. All bark no bite.

  15. The gross little curly white hair dogs with the crusty eyes. They are unredeemable and not cute I’m sorry.

  16. Most small dogs, always so damn angry with that ugly ass brown shii around their mouth

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