Who is the most antagonistic person you’ve ever met and how did you deal with them?

  1. My long term high school bully fits the bill, and I dealt with him by punching him in the face.

    He left me alone after that.

  2. Growing up, there was a guy in a neighborhood I used to frequent that would attack younger children. Violently, not sexually. Odd person. Totally incapable of reason. He was in his mid-teens when I was 10. By the time I was 16, he was an established criminal.

    As a child, we used to have to run through the bushes and swim through rivers to escape him.

    Police shot and killed him when he was in his mid-twenties. Best news I ever heard.

  3. This one admin of a Magic The Gathering fb group. I dunno how he became an admin, but the guy was basically the embodiment of that one prink who’s an asshat in communities like that. He had a god complex, loved to power trip and just was a bully. He made a bunch of lewd sellers mods and basically used them to bait people to ban them. As they would post promotions for their content with a thin Magic The Gathering themed skin. Like basically being nude or mostly nude with some cards covering up her bits. So people would voice their opinions about how that didn’t belong in a group like this. Then the lewd sellers would start arguments about this and, bam. He would talk about how he didn’t like doing actual work to run the group. In the end though I think he either got bored of doing that stuff, or someone really got him by the stones. As I don’t see him doing that stuff much anymore, nor any of the lewd sellers. Now he’s mostly trying to play it like he’s this saint, and everyone who hates on him is doing it without reason.

  4. My dad. Punched mum ’cause she don’t want to give her money to him (to buy alcohol/ciggy), and me and brother jumped on him.

    Cut all contacts with him for 7 years now.

  5. A couple of guys who tried to trip me in whatever ways they could, just because. The first one was just dumb and I assume he was acting up because of that. Like, nobody wants to feel dumb when in school, and that was his daily existence. The second one was much more odd. Like he’s a smart guy, has a phd and everything now. But for some reason he’d always be a complete piece of shit towards me. Never did anything nasty to him and I hadn’t even talked to him. Just a grade a asshole from the get-go. Weird fucker.

    And I haven’t done anything to “deal with” them. Just ignore them, I don’t care.

  6. I once had a coworker who antagonized everyone in the office with his superiority complex and verbal abuse. One afternoon in the parking lot after work three of us confronted him and told him to stop.

    He ‘behaved’ for about two weeks and started up again, so a bunch of us complained to the boss who let him go.

  7. “The chinese”

    A mobile development/non-conventional development teacher of university.

    Humiliating him.

    My final university project, I made an android augmented reality app.

    I won the prize for best project of the year.

    So, I did a long talk on public of how everything I was able was thanks to a teacher, a teacher from overseas, a teacher who helped me on mobile and non conventional development….and then I named the teacher that was at his side just as he was standing up (the teacher at his side was my final project supervisor)

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