Men, how do you stop mid-calf/crew socks from rolling down during the day?

  1. A little slack near the ankle area works for me, though being bow-legged might change the physics of how they operate on me.

  2. you need to… ähm… soak them with your love juice so they are a bit more stiffy

  3. I loop string through them and then make loops in the other end and tighten them around my ears.

  4. Knee highs. Been doing it for decades, way before knee high compression socks were a thing.

  5. I’ve always folded my socks onto themselves if they were the long kinds that should work fine I imagine

  6. I get taller socks, pull them all the way up, the grab the top and fold it over and down to my ankle. So there’s 2 layers of sock from my ankle up. (You can fold them even lower but I never go past the arch or balls of my feet)

    And once they start to loosen and fall down I throw them away.

    Also I have thick calfs from living upstairs for over 20 years.

  7. With shoes I fold them down to ankle to start with. If I’m wearing boots I fold over the top of the boot. I absolutely hate the feel of socks wadded up.

  8. Get socks that fit? I wear crew, ankle, tab (thank you stance) socks all the time and they don’t move; jeans, dress pants, shorts, anything.

  9. If you keep your socks for a hundred years the elastic will eventually stretch and fail to tighten. I replace all of my socks every 18-24 months or so.

  10. Wear ankle socks. Everything else makes it look like you skipped leg day. And you probably did.

  11. Tip: you don’t. Put them on and then accordion them down toward your ankles in advance.

  12. In the military we had sock garters. Want to see a woman suddenly develop a fetish over something she didn’t know existed? Let her see you in sock garters.

  13. These are the real questions. These questions are the reason I come to this sub.

  14. Unless you’re hiking or wearing boots, don’t wear them. Buy ankle or no-show with the rest of us.

  15. I cut the elastic band on my socks, they never fall down, but do leave my ankles and lower leg compressed looking and is slightly painful.

  16. Get the right size socks!! And get decent quality ones. You obviously need larger socks that don’t slip.

  17. Either shirt/sock stays, or you just pull them up occasionally.

    Don’t pull them up too high, you don’t want to pull them far enough to stretch.

  18. My ex husband used to buy fancy, colorful dress socks. He had the same problem. He bought these men’s sock garter belt looking things. Like suspenders for your socks. I don’t think he ever used them.

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