In what small ways do you romanticize your life?

  1. When people stare at me in public (I’m a bald woman who likes tye dye/pink clothing so I know it’s a bit noticeable), my brain likes to pretend that it’s because I’m just so beautiful that they can’t help it. Because of my fun delusion, I hold my head high and talk more confidently to people while smiling big. Makes me feel like Princess Diana meeting with the public lmao

    I think it’s fun and harmless to indulge in my fantasy, since it helps with my social anxiety.

  2. Whenever I feel put upon and overwhelmed with other people’s needs, I imagine I’m starring in a dramatic movie.

  3. My life is especially ***badish*** rightnow so I romanticize it by imagining that this is the set up for a really good upcoming high in my story . Like I’m about to find the love of my life… get the dream job, dream life, etc. like all of this bs is gonna be worth it and it’s gonna be a happily ever after.

  4. Often when I listen to music I pretend it’s the soundtrack to the movie I’m starring in.

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