We have been dating for close to a year now, and he has expressed no desire for any intimacy beyond hugging. He has never tried to kiss or do anything else.

I am personally conservative with physical intimacy, and so it’s overall okay for me. I’ve talked with him about it a few times, and he says he’s not fully ready, so I haven’t pushed him on it.

Recently, we were discussing sex workers, and joked about if we went into that “profession”. He then made a comment about how it wouldn’t matter if his clients were male or female, because he personally found it to be morally wrong on both counts. I then said that it would be a pretty big difference. He then said he didn’t really see a difference between putting his penis into a random vagina or having anal sex where a random guy was sticking his penis into him.

I personally am shocked by that comment…that combined with lack of physical intimacy, etc…does that imply something? To the men on here: is this a “normal” comment in the sense that do you also find having sex with girls the same as having sex with guys?

And this is not some joke post. I feel stressed because everything else is going great with our relaitonship, except for the intimacy part. I’ve tried talking with him about it but cannot get any answers.

TLDR: Bf of close to a year has not initiated any physical intimacy beyond hugging, and recently mentioned that having sex with men is the same as with women. Is this a sign?

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