Just in case the title isn’t helpful, where do you, as a guy go for a bit of feminine energy?

For example, a buddy of mine visits his close friend whenever he wants that little “boost” that comes from being around a feminine woman.

  1. The gym is the best place

    I think I understand what you’re trying to say tho, kinda strange wording…

  2. I know that you may never get to experience this, but there is no greater bastion of positive feminine energy than a busy women’s restroom at a bar or club on a Saturday night. If you somehow are granted permission to enter and ask for validation, you will be smothered by a torrent of love, support, and encouragement unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

  3. Never gone out of my way looking for whatever feminine energy means. I don’t go anywhere for it, I don’t feel that I need that.

  4. To be completely clear, if you had asked the same question with the word “masculine” in place of “feminine” I would have the same response.

    I have no fucking idea what you are talking about. If I need energy, I spend time alone.

  5. What? I don’t seek it out and I don’t crave it like a piece of cake. I mean I guess take a dance class or try yoga

  6. *”Hey fellas, where do you go to find feminine energy?”*

    Feminine women.

    Now excuse me while I search for a good question in this subreddit.

  7. You mean when I want to hang out with chicks?

    I go where chicks are.

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