Title really, I have seen a lot of posts complaining about men with their tops off recently.

All of the comments are about disgusting bodies and attacking their social class.

Why is this acceptable?

  1. Blokes should only take their tops off at the beach, swimming pool or in private unless you’re in good shape. No one wants to see your flabby torso
    jiggling down the high street.

  2. Because a lot of people dont want to see a stranger with their top off unless its at the beach or swimming pool.

    Personally it doesnt bother me but i do understand why some may not be too keen on it when theyre just popping to the shop to buy food and see strangers half naked.

  3. There’s an unwritten social contract we all fall in to around expectations, behaviour when in public spaces.

    Like blasting loud music, shouting and swearing in places with children etc. There’s expectations on what’s classed as expected / common decency with regards to dress code too. It’s generally expected by most in this country, that men have their torso’s covered in most public settings / scenarios.

    Sure there’s a debate to be had on whether it **should** be the case, possible double standards, etc etc. But the fact is, that it is the expectation of the majority.

    Therefore, people operating outside of that, will be looked upon with derision by most.

  4. Same reason why it’s considered fine for presenters like Ellen Degeneres to parade topless men around the stage and fawn at their muscular physique, but would most likely be considered vulgar if it were a male presenter and male audience fawning at a load of topless women.

  5. I think people just don’t like to be exposed to people being horribly undignified like this.

  6. They are fair game because they chose to ignore social etiquette and walk around the high street like they are at the beach.

  7. People just don ‘t want to see it in a normal public street really, and out of the normal acceptable times (beach, pool, park, garden, people working outside in the heat even) it tends to be seen as a bit of a dick move. Not their *social* class but how nice they are as a person – it is a bit of a “look at how hard I am” power move at times.

  8. I instantly think less of someone walking down the street with their top off. Is it fair or right? Probably not but that’s just the way it is.

  9. Guys walking around with tops off creates an unsettling and unpleasant atmosphere. Imagine any setting you might find yourself in … Cinema, restaurant, shop, airport, bar, whatever. Now imagine all the guys shirtless. Arm tatts, flabby bellies, bright pink chests from sunburn. It’s just gross. It would be gross if lasses with a muffin top and big old droopers walked around in just a bikini too.
    Members of the upper classes don’t do this. People with any class don’t do it. Anyone who does it deserves to be “shamed”

  10. Best thing about summer is hot topless guys walking around, especially if they’re chavvy 🥵

  11. If I have to be fine with seeing women’s skirts short enough to qualify me as a gynaecologist then people can put up with some hairy man side boob.

  12. Personally I don’t like it because I’m jealous. Why do they get to enjoy the sunshine topless but if I wear something that covers my tits but not much else I’m going to get cat called and judged. God forbid I actually go topless.

  13. I walk around topless a lot, mostly trying to avoid the vest top tanlines i always used to get over summer.

    I get a lot of looks and to be honest I don’t really care whether they’re judging me or checking me out, it’s up to me what I do.

    For context I am in good shape, not ridiculously ripped or anything but toned/muscular with 6 pack. I wouldn’t do it if I was out of shape/fat.

  14. I still don’t really understand what “shaming” means when it’s used as a verb. Is it the same as taking the piss? If so, it’s acceptable for the same reason that taking the piss out of people is acceptable. It’s a healthy social phenomenon.

  15. Not all the time, but I lot of it I think is jealousy. People who are insecure about themselves or feel societal pressure not to go topless seem to have this destain for those that do.

    I completely understand if it’s a crowded public area or inside anywhere and you don’t want to be next to someone that’s sweating without a bit of fabric covering them, but having such strong objections to a topless person simply minding their own business on the street is imo ridiculous.

    If its really hot and it’s a glorious sunny day I often go topless while walking. Never have had any adverse reactions and can’t imagine caring if I did

  16. Because the human race are not nice, and like nothing more than to insult or mock others

  17. So it’s a common British thing to make fun of people who aren’t you, it makes us feel better about living in a shitty 1st world country

  18. Because it’s Reddit and therefore it’s acceptable to discriminate against white working class folks

  19. You’re framing it in a specific way that is essentially just making a point, not really asking a question.

    I’d rather men didn’t walk about with tops off except in specific situations like beaches etc. I don’t like to see it on the street, in shops etc.

    I think it’s looks rough and it is indeed done by people who are at the chavvier end of things – like a lot of antisocial behaviours.

  20. I grew up in the 80’s and it was normal in the summer for guys of all body types to go topless and no one cared. Look at pictures of the grandstands at baseball games back then. Just remember if you expect these people to change for you, future generations are going to expect the same out of you. What will you be willing to give up?

  21. Because it’s perfectly fine to judge other people’s bodies and/or find them repulsive.

    Unless you’re an incel of course.

    Polite society says you shouldn’t say it to people’s face, but it’s fine to talk about on Reddit or with mates.

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