I’ve read this is extremely common in the US, but I’ve never had it.

My family moved here from Korea when I was a teenager. Growing up in a stereotypical home, all my nightmares involve either being late to class or sitting an exam that I didn’t study for.

Edit: Apparently, [this is the most common dream in America.](https://cdn.digg.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/04200235/4sZg72nw.png)

  1. Nah. My nightmares usually consist of something fucky happening with my gun when I need it.

    Or I’m back in high school.

    Or I’m back in high school, but I’m now 20+ years old and I have my gun on me and somehow everyone knows.

    Or my flashlight fails on me when I need it.

  2. I have, yeah.

    Like, they’re all loose or some shit. Or sometimes just one is loose, but well, I’m 23. Those don’t grow back.

  3. Not in America but I have dreams like this all the time. Apparently its to do with your subconscious processing changes in your life if you believe in that stuff.

  4. I’ve never had this nightmare, even though it’s apparently super common. Both my wife and my best friend have.

  5. I used to have them frequently when I was a teen/younger adult. Now they only happen every once and a while.

  6. Yes. A lot. I looked it up on some dream meanings site and it says I get the dream because I’m vain

  7. It depends on the individual like your nightmares. Nightmares aren’t isolated to countries 😂

  8. Since moving to Europe, the “holy shit I’m naked!” dreams don’t affect me very much anymore. I hit the nude beaches at least once a summer; it’s more normal in these parts.

    I had one just the other night. “What the fuck? Why am I naked? Well, so far all the non-naked people don’t seem to notice, so I’ll just grab a towel or something as soon as I see one.”

  9. I’ve never had that. I sometimes get the one where I show up to school and a big project is due but I didn’t know about it (btw I’m in my 30s and not in school). I also sometimes get one where I’m searching for the bathroom and can’t find it.

  10. Iv’e had 2. The last one I remember was being a kid again and sitting on my parents bed watching a movie when my teeth starting to crumble and fall out. Either halves or whole. I heard it has something to do with the way you feel about your image.

  11. Why are there 3 countries in South America having nightmares about babies?

    It isn’t pregnancy that’s identified separately? Is it the burden of parenthood? Or the actual baby? Demon babies? Child death? I need more context lol

  12. Not generally, but I know I had at least one after reading Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers too close to bedtime.

  13. No, I can’t say I ever have. My nightmares get pretty elaborate, but I can’t say they run toward dentistry.

  14. All the time. I think it’s an unconscious fear. In real life I hardly fear my teeth falling out.

  15. I would get these all the time. The only common thread that was occurring in my life when I had them was a major life change and uncertainty.

  16. Nope, that I can recall. Come to think of it, I can’t recall ever having any dream about something going wrong with my body. I have had the “naked in inappropriate situations” dreams, but I don’t consider those to be body-related (more society-related).

  17. i’ve only had the teeth one once. more often i’m being hunted in my nightmares. or people around me are dying.

  18. I used to when I was a teen or college aged. Haven’t had one of those in a long while though.

  19. I have nightmares about bugs, fire, monsters of various sorts, and there was one about being bombed. My sister’s teeth, which Mom had spent considerable money on for orthodonture, did in fact fall out because she was a meth head. My sisters in general are a nightmare, but don’t figure in mine.

  20. (California) Yeah all the time honestly . My whole life too different strange teeth dreams & dreams about them all falling out. Also the most I ever tripped on acid the entire time I could stop feeling / seeing teeth it was nuts. Idk what that means

  21. No, but I have nightmares (sleep paralysis maybe?) of lockjaw and grinding my teeth together to fix it

  22. i dont think ive ever had a dream like that in my life. One of the ones i had a lot is where i commit murder and im on the run from the police. Dream always ends just before i get into a shootout.

  23. I’ve never had this dream/nightmare, none of my friends and family have ever told me that they have. Frankly I’m shocked that this is showing up as common.

  24. Dreams pertaining to work seem to be the one I remember the most.

    I’ve dreamt about coming up with the menu for a great 5 course meal, woke up said to myself I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it in the morning, nope I lost it and all I remember is that I had the menu in my dream.

    I’ve dreamt about being in a commercial kitchen and the ticket printer will not stop printing new tickets, I’m struggling to keep up and cook the orders and Gordon Ramsey won’t stop yelling at me.

    I’ve also been told that I’ve yelled about ribeye steaks in my sleep. Apparently the waitstaff wasn’t picking them up fast enough in my dream.

  25. No, never, my most common anxiety dream is that I’ve forgotten to take care of a bunch of pets that I’m responsible for in my dream world. They’re never actual pets I have in real life, though

  26. Yeah I do. Like they all feel loose and I end up eventually spitting out a mouthful of teeth. It happens several times a year. It’s very weird because I’m not particularly worried about my teeth in real life.

  27. Yes, apparently in Korea this dream is supposedly good luck. Being American, I don’t why or how, but I’m dumb sooooo…

  28. The body knows way better than the mind what’s going on in the body. Dreams are communicative, and the body is expressing some kind of warning or fear. I’d be very interested in comparing the occurrence of this dream with people who have a really healthy whole food diet vs the cattleslop the labor force is usually given.

  29. That’s weird! I have had SEVERAL dreams of my teeth falling out. But when I have them, there’s no feeling of terror, so it’s not a nightmare for me. Just another bit of dream surrealism.

  30. TIL the most common dream in America is one I’ve never had nor have ever heard of.

  31. No, I’ve never heard of this either.

    About 15 years ago I visited my cousin in his Queens apartment. That apartment had a balcony and I’ve had a reoccurring nightmare of falling off the balcony ever since. I have no idea why.

  32. I’ve had a nightmare where I bit into something hard and all my teeth shattered

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