What type of person usually shows romantic interest in you?

  1. The ones with no money or extremely cheap and frugal. Like seriously im not a gold digger but please I cant be with a cheap person.

  2. Intelligent men. Some of my exes have been assholes, but all were intelligent

  3. Hood guys which is weird because I literally dress like a grandma/librarian and would not think I’m their type lol

  4. I’m pretty small.. large dudes seem to love me (good thing I love them back)

  5. My nerdy friends. I appreciate the interest, even though it’s only sometimes reciprocated.

  6. A lot of gamer/nerdy types. I got that manic pixie dream girl card on deck just because I like video games and anime. D;

  7. Guys who hide their misogyny until I’m too deep in, king babies, men with low ambition who don’t like to be generous because all women are gold diggers who want their invisible money. Or older men- they’ve always liked me🤢 (I’m sure many of us can relate.

  8. weirdly, older white men 😭
    normally, very tall, very thin boys or gym bros

  9. I actually can’t think of an answer for this. Sort of seems like all types of people do? At least on the surface!

    I will say, it definitely seems like a LOT of the people who express interest in me watch anime. I like anime too, so it’s cool!

  10. Wall Street guys looking for their second/third/fourth wife 😑.

    They’re too late though, I’m already married.

  11. I’m in my late 20s, but I look *extremely* young. I could easily pass for 15/16 if I cover my tattoos. Even younger if I really wanted to (which I don’t wtf)

    I’ve often found the type of guys who are attracted to me tend to give off p*dophile vibes. I’ve had more than one man buy me a teddy bear and children’s toys, treat me like a literal child, or beg me to wear a very childlike outfit during intercourse (and call them daddy, of course)

    As someone who was groomed and SA’d as a child, it disgusts me that this is how I’m viewed, no matter how maturely I try to present myself.

    I had one hookup ask if he could call me “Hailey” (not my name) in bed. He also wanted me to wear a very childish outfit, down to a specific brand/design of panties. The whole thing felt way off to me and I told him I didn’t want to see him anymore. Found out a while later that he was married with young kids. Any guesses on his daughter’s name?

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