I have been recently listening to a podcast about the British Crown Jewels and it got me thinking what would be the American version. These would be items that if destroyed or stolen would make the vast majority of Americans upset. Top two that I thought of was the Star Spangled Banner and the Declaration of Independence.

  1. I would say the equivalent is the US Constitution. The Crown Jewels signify the royal authority to lead and protect the nation. It seems similar to the US Constitution which empowers our government to do the same.

  2. The preserved originals* of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution


    * original copies that is

  3. Go check out the mineral section of the Natural History Museum in DC. We’ve got jewels.

  4. American’s Crown Jewels are the original U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence

  5. Probably our natural beauty like yellow stone, the Grand Canyon or Deas National park.

  6. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution are the first two that come to mind.

    Some ones that I think might qualify too, but maybe not quite as good an answer:

    * Inauguration bibles (George Washington, Lincoln)
    * Liberty Bell
    * The DC Cherry Trees
    * Apollo Lunar Module

  7. The great jazz musicians such as Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, and many others.

  8. Declaration of independence is a good equivalent. I would say someone destroying The Statue of Liberty would be pretty bad

  9. I actually listened to a podcast about the Crown Jewels today too.

    Was the one you listened to also A Short History Of…?

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