I dress to look sexy and tease men. Low cut and transparent tops are the best. Depending on what I’m wearing men can see lots of cleavage, maybe a half tit or even my nips.

What I observed is men use different strategies! Even if I’m sitting in an uninteresting area of a pub or restaurant with no other view or artwork to check out men will wander around the space near me like they are looking for something else. Of course I see their eyes actually studying my chest!

Bold men will approach and strike up a conversation and wait for moments to really stare. It’s like they are etching the picture in their mind for later use.

One smart technique is what I call the buddy system. Two or more men will approach and sit on opposing sides of me. When I turn my head to talk to one, the other is busy inspecting me.

Men are really sweet and I love the attention especially since it’s so innocent. Occasionally I bend down to give them extra views or on rare occasions allow for pics or grabbing!

Be nice to women but don’t be afraid either! Just make it fun and keep smiling. Buying us drinks is never a bad idea.

Good luck!

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