How do I get away from being a bestie?? It’s been a constant thing with any woman I’m interested in. The latest is she literally always wants to hangout and even when I say no she almost begs. I told her I wanted to see a new movie and she said she wanted to go with me, I told her no since it’s my time kind of thing. She basically forced me into agreeing to go with her. Then she showed up 30 minutes late!

We watched a different movie and when it was done she said she wanted to keep hanging out and we went shopping. I wanted to go home but she kept acting sad. Anytime I try and get distance she acts sad and says that we’ll keep hanging out all the time and tries to make plans. I’m around her a lot during the day so it’s hard to avoid her and she seems to always be around. What am I doing to give off only friends vibes??

1 comment
  1. You’re being used. She doesn’t see you as a boyfriend, just as someone to hang out with. I would avoid hanging out, she’s messing you around and wasting your time.

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