Hi guys, well as the title suggests I’ve never had sex before, I’m 20F. Lately I’ve found a guy I have absolutely fallen in love with, and he did with me too. Now this is the only guy I’ve ever even gone this far with as to cuddle together etc. While cuddling one thing led to another and I felt him getting hard, which he then started apologizing for saying if I was feeling uncomfortable I was free to leave his lap. I didn’t because I didn’t mind it that much, but he didn’t want to seem like a creep. After it we had a big convo in which he basically said “take your time, don’t feel forced, if you’re ready you can mention it and we’ll see if we’re both ready for it in the moment, but DON’T rush yourself please take your time.” to which I pretty much said yeah I’m ready, i just need to find a proper time to actually you know, get into the act. I feel this might be coming somewhere soon since we both know we’re ready. He absolutely does not want to push me and make sure I’m feeling good and comfortable so he’s waiting on me to pretty much take the step in that moment. Does anyone have any tips on how to get into the first time? What am I supposed to do? Any tips could help, thank you!

  1. Besides the typical try to relax and try to get comfortable there is nothing that can be given.

    If he cares for you and doesn’t want to push then you are already on a good way to have a nice first time.

    Don’t be shy to ask for more foreplay or lube , don’t be shy to tell him that something feels off or uncomfortable. Basically communicate with him if something comes to your mind or you want to slow it down.

    If bad comes to worse don’t be afraid to make a stop or try it again later.

  2. Best advice is to not seek advice. Fumble your own way through it. Don’t go into it thinking there’s something you have to get right. Everybody has a first time, and this guy sounds like he really cares that you’re completely comfortable. When you decide it’s time to let yourself go, do exactly that. Over-thinking it will rob you of the experience.

  3. awww this remind me of mine and my bfs beginning times (: we had it!!! a tip would be FOREPLAY!!!! lotsss. also wear a condom ofc if you guys haven’t got tested. LUBE!!!! just in case (; alsooo be comfortable. relax. try different positions. i hope it goes well!

  4. Be prepared to screw it up. You probably will, at least a little, and maybe a lot. That’s okay. It’s a learning process, and the practice can be a hell of a lot of fun. You can stop it at any time, and it’s a skill that you have no reason to have learned. You’ll figure it out in time.

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