I (33F) have been seeing my on and off again girlfriend (35F) for almost a year and a half. She always gets upset or moody about the littlest things in my opinion and then takes it out on me or gives me the silent treatment.. For the record, I always stand up for myself especially when I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong even that means having to argue and defend myself back..

I can name a few times where she has gotten annoyed and pissed over all this and told me to leave her house or to leave her alone for good, and stay out of her life etc.

We started going to a bootcamp style group gym, and just yesterday, she left her sweatshirt there and she had to go back to pick it up on the same day. Today during the workout, she left the water bottle next to her sweatshirt so she wouldn’t forget it she says. After the class, I grabbed the waterbottle because I was thirsty and I walked out waiting for her, I was just so tired and winded from the workout and figured I’d wait outside since she likes to linger and say bye to the trainers. She walks towards the door and then goes back for her sweatshirt.. and then on the way to the car she says that she left the water bottle there intentionally so she wouldn’t forget the sweatshirt and that she could have forgotten it….. We go our separate ways for work and then I get a text a few minutes later from her saying “Don’t text me today you annoyed me”. I just reply what’s wrong, ok? Just shocked because I really couldn’t believe she was really upset over that. I’m thinking to myself that I know I didn’t do it intentionally and I just grabbed the water because I was thirsty… But she makes me feel like such a mess up… She keeps texting me going off, saying i should have put the water bottle back or to grab her shirt, and that I’m so inconsiderate. Just saying she was feeling great until the end of the work out because of me. And that I don’t make her feel good… just going off. Then telling me to leave her alone… This conversation between us goes on for another hour and I told her that it’ll never be ok between us because I dont like how she bitches at me and blames me for things, her feelings/being annoyed are valid but it’s the way she texts/talks/bitches at me as if I did something sooo wrong… This is just one example…

There was another time recently in Europe where I basically planned the whole trip and booked everything, booked her ticket, and spent my time trying to just do it for her since she hates planning. I can remember a few times there where she got mad at me over something so small such as when we were in London, she wanted me to take her picture at the Big Ben, I took a bunch and tried to take it exactly how she wanted it.. Yet something was always missing or off to her, then she just ultimately gets pissed at me and doesn’t even when to try taking the picture again. She just wanted to give me the silent treatment and to me, she was acting like a brat. Then talking to me like I just messed up everything for her and that I’m just a huge mess up of a person..

Honestly thinking of all this just makes me want to cry and give up because I feel like I’m never enough. I don’t know what her deal is and why she lashes out on me the way she does,.. I get how anyone can feel annoyed but I honestly don’t think I deserve how she treats me.. And I have blown up a few times, I just get sick of it so much and the way she talks to me. Everyone says she’s immature with her reactions and I think today was just enough that I’m tired of it all.. How would you deal with a person like this? Move on and forget?


  1. Do you bring this up? Give her a chance to realize her actions and correct them? You love her for a reason. Maybe she will show you she loves you and change if given the opportunity.

  2. INFO: when you took her water bottle bc you were thirsty, did it occur to you that she would then have nothing to drink if *she* was thirsty?

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