So this guy who is much younger than my mom (middle aged when my mom is a senior) started to hit on my mom. He has even kissed her on the lips when saying goodbye before when he has a wife. I won’t say names but she later blocked him until he came over and drove to the house to apologize to her she told me. Then she forgave him and let him back in and wanted me to unblock him too so I did. She told me he said he was just joking and that things got too serious. I asked him what happened between them when I unblocked him and he told me she was the one who hit on him and shifted the blame to her which gave me the impression that he wasn’t really sincerely sorry. He told me not to tell her what he said which was another red flag I saw. I blocked him again after that for lying and shifting the blame onto her. At first I blocked him and she said she didn’t blame me for doing so when I explained the matter to her and what he said. Yesterday she told me she wanted me to unblock him because he told her he was sorry again and she thought he was a genuinely good person who was just joking around. I told her about how he lied about the apology and she said “No one is perfect. Are you perfect?” But to me it wasn’t a matter of perfection it was just that he wasn’t sincere. Today she wanted me to unblock him and I did it and he asked me why I was ignoring him. I explained to him that he lied to me about the whole situation and whatnot. He replied and said he wasn’t going to say anything but he hoped we have a good life and mentioned he loves us. He did not own up to what he did and didn’t admit to hitting on my mom. Later he texted me and said he was hurt after all he’s done for me that I would not believe him when he told me my mom was the one who hit on him. He told me he had the messages but wouldn’t show me. He told me it was ok if I wanted to believe her and told me he loved me. I saw this as him trying to guilt me back into his life by saying he was “hurt”. My mom still wanted me to unblock him when I told her about what he did and told me he said he was just “joking” and that nobody is perfect. When I wouldn’t unblock him she told me I would have a miserable life if I couldn’t learn to forgive people. When I told her about him lying she went “How would you know what’s inside his brain?” She told me he said he was joking but he didn’t tell me that he was joking. He blamed her and said she was the one who hit on him and told me how she has been doing so for quite some time. I don’t know what to do about this situation because part of me feels guilty and heartless and empty. My mom used my noticeable weight gain to get me to go back to the gym that this guy trains me from and called me a fatass. I’ve been training with him for 8 years and he has done a lot for me but I was suspicious that he could be grooming me because after a few of those 8 years he has given me a debit card to spend money on, taken me out to eat, given me food, called me pet names, and gave me presents on holidays. My mom thinks he is nice but to me the way I see it is that he could be trying to hide things through kindness so no one would believe him if he were to ever try to unexpectedly harm or mistreat anyone. He hasn’t been abusive or controlling throughout the 8 years I’ve known him but he would say that I’m special when I don’t really do anything to be special. I go to the gym just like everyone else does so why would I be special? I have a slight suspicion about his “nice treatment”. He has given me a debit card and give his kids an allowance to earn their money but for some reason me earning money is just “working out” I hope I made the right choice to block him and don’t know if it is normal to feel a guilty emptiness or like I am the one inflicting harm and hurting him through not forgiving him. Is blocking him forever disproportionate?

1 comment
  1. Wow, sounds like you’re in a tough spot. It’s tricky navigating these situations. Remember, trust your gut, it’s usually right. If you need to vent or want advice, I’m here. Don’t be too hard on yourself, okay?

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