What is a responsible and mature way of reacting when my brother gets provoked by literally someone looking at him in a weird way, or like a person crossing the street or if I say something that he finds offensive.

We are both 20 yo males and twins, I am not really scared of him but he is a conflict seeker while I am a conflict avoider. So he hears everything he wants to hear, and I do the opposite.

He gets energy in conflicts and I get drained, especially when he rants about people in Aa very immature way. I basically try to not provoke him and kind of, defuse every negative reaction with a positive one kind of sometimes supportive sometimes not. But damn it gets awkward in the car at times, he is also extremely impulsive, like when he is happy he basically tease people, like pushing them and joking around and stand in your way and constantly makes annoying jokes and pushes everyone to their limit as long as they are family. He over exaggerates and loves, making a big deal out of nothing just so he can hate on someone or something. He is extremely reactive and has a big temperament.

It’s extremely frustrating and draining to have a, “energy vampire” living at our house.

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