So me (18f) and my boyfriend (19m) have been together for 11months, almost 12 and have been going through a bit of a rough patch. I spoke to a therapist and he said mainly couples get too comfy with each other and forget each other. We spoke yesterday about it and I said how I feel (for the hundredth time) and we made up. When we did have the argument I went down to the park to get some space and he came after me, I walked off because he got distracted by a dog, which I’m putting down to his adhd or since he’s on the spectrum, and I was getting upset and he started laughing/smiling. Walked off and sat on another bench. Calling me, and he eventually came and sat next to me again. We talked, but it was more like he was defending himself/explaining himself and as was I. Ive been asking for the old him back, the reassurance, a hug and a kiss when I get stressed out and it hasn’t really been there. I spoke to him about why I get so upset last night and we made up again. I don’t know if it sounds stupid, but I’m laying here at 5:00am next to him since I’ve just woken up and I just feel nothing but anger and resentment. I want him to roll over and cuddle me like he used to. I want him to do things for me to help me in the relationship, my wants and needs and he’s barely done them. He does make an effort I see that but he’s become a bit more of a douche recently. I know he loves and cares for me a lot but I feel as if he’s taking me for granted. What do I do? I feel so lost, I want to spend some nights alone at my house just so we have space and so he can realise I’m not going to be walked all over, but then again I’m worried it will damage us in some way.

TLDR: I’m starting to resent my boyfriend since we’ve been going through a rough patch and now I can’t stop seeing him as a douchebag.

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