I’m turning 40 tomorrow and I’ve always been abit of the jack the lad, I’ve got kids but still act like one meself. I feel that I’ve got to start changing into some old bastard now. Would like to know if I’m just being paranoid or not!

  1. What is ‘normal’? Why do you think you need to change?

    You can still have and deal with a shed load of responsibilities, but still enjoy some childlike fun (not childish, but childlike) they’re not mutually exclusive.

    I’m 61 and it does irritate me a bit when people seem to think you have some kind of chip inserted at a certain age that turns you into some weird 1900s throw back.

    I still break out the washing up liquid and my little round wand and blow bubbles in the garden on a sunny day. I still drink too much and swear like a trooper when I have to pick up 12 cards playing Uno. I still play video games and laugh like a drain at Taskmaster

    I don’t give a shit if some teenager rolls their eyes and bleats that’s ‘so lame’, just because they’re embarrassed (that’s their problem). I’d rather enjoy myself than worry about what other people think.

    It doesn’t matter, as long as I’m paying my bills and not harming anyone, we all get old but that doesn’t mean we have to adopt some curious atypical behaviour we think is ‘age appropriate’. It doesn’t matter if you’re 7 or 70, being ‘you’, being the person you want to be, is the important thing.

  2. I’m turning 29 in August and I’m waiting for the day I look or feel like an adult. I’m just in the 15th year of being a teenager. I’m a teenager with more of a beard and I have a job and bills but I still don’t know any real adult shit. I don’t think it’s a sudden thing, I think it just happens gradually over time, quicker for some and slower for others.

    I’m going to try and hold on to the fun parts as long as possible, I’d hate to become a boring ‘normal’ adult. I just think life loses its meaning when you get like that. Obviously be sensible, but don’t give up your personality.

  3. When I turned 64 and I kept hearing Lennon & McCartney in my head.

    I’ve now decided to grow old disgracefully.

  4. I’m still not sure what a normal adult is supposed to be, and I am well over 50. I’m going to try to stay young at heart for as long as possible.

  5. I’m 50.

    Haven’t had one of those birthdays yet.

    In fact, the more birthdays I have, the more I realise growing up is not needed. Just be responsible where it’s required.

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