It gets very hot and humid in many places, it’s time we start allowing men to wear skirts and dresses when they feel like it. Do you agree?

  1. This is so low on the list of things I’m willing to put energy into

  2. You do you, ignore the naysayers in this sub. They’ve never felt how cool the breeze can be between your legs. Historically men wore skirts so there’s nothing inherently unmanly about them

  3. It’s ridiculous that it’s taboo in the first place, people are so uptight about dumb shit, however that’s *really* low on the list of things I think need to change in the world right now.

  4. Skater dresses are the absolute shit for a hot day with a gentle breeze. Bit more wind than that and my old hairy nuts upset the whole cookout though.

  5. Nobody cares. If I see a man in a dress I’m probably going to laugh to myself and there’s nothing anybody can do to change that. Also nobody should give a f*** if I laugh or not because who the hell am I lol

  6. It’s not a case of allowing it. It’s already allowed. It’s more refining the hidden art of not giving a fuck what people think about you.

  7. ‘Allowing men to wear skirts and dresses’, who’s not allowing them to do so? It’s not illegal. The only thing stopping you is the patriarchal ideas people have regarding what’s ‘manly’ and what’s not. It’s allowed, just not really practiced in most places -unless it’s a kilt or you’re in the Middle East wearing a thobe.

  8. ![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized)

    Hell yeah. I’ve had that thought for years. Think about the breeze and ease of movement.

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